FTC Seeks to Put a Pin in Insulin Inflation: FTC Sues CareMark, Express Scripts, and OptumRx

Morgan DoyleOct 15, 20244 min read
The Federal Trade Commission filed another ambitious lawsuit on September 20, 2024, against three major pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) that serve as middlemen between pharmaceutical manufacturers and commercial insurers. The defendants are CVS Health’s CareMark, Cigna’s Express Scripts, and UnitedHealth’s OptumRx, who together control the affordability and accessibility of 80% […]

The State of USPTO-FDA Communications: Health Patents and Exclusivity

Sydney Myers-ObrienOct 15, 20243 min read
In July 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order directed at promoting competition in the American economy. A portion of that order directed changes to address drug pricing, and some provisions directed the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) to communicate regarding […]

An Examination of the Freedom of Choice in Healthcare in the Context of Right-to-Die Cases

India BakerApr 14, 20244 min read
            In the United States, the right-to-die through physician-assisted-suicide (“PAS”) and euthanasia has been hotly debated for years.  Scholars define PAS as the “prescription of lethal medication to be voluntarily self-administered.”  Conversely, euthanasia is defined as the “deliberate, direct causation of death by a physician.”  Although “medical assistance in dying” […]

State Drug Pricing Boards Face Legal Test in Colorado

William MosesApr 14, 20244 min read
Federal efforts to rein in prescription drug costs have attracted media coverage and legal opposition. Now, innovative state efforts to limit drug price increases are attracting significant legal scrutiny. At the end of March, Amgen filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado seeking […]

Enforcing Safe and Habitable Housing as a Pandemic Preparedness Strategy

Gabriela Dickson la RottaApr 14, 20244 min read
Four years since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts are already planning for the next one. In addition to strengthening disease detection systems, pandemic preparedness should prioritize improving the condition of rental housing in the U.S. to eradicate health disparities and better position the tenant population to weather the […]