The Need for Mental Health Toolkit

Lorraine ApolisOct 28, 20164 min read
In 2015, one out of every four reported fatal shootings by police involved a person with a mental illness. This figure does not include injurious but non-deadly shootings. Perhaps one of the most high-profile of these cases is that of Charles Kinsey, a mental health caretaker that was shot by […]

Labelling It Healthy

Brittany MountjoyOct 14, 20163 min read
What does the word “healthy” mean? The word is almost ubiquitous and is on every food, drink, or clothing label. However, there is little consensus on what the word “healthy” actually means. Does “healthy” mean low fat, low sugar, and low salt? While the word will likely still be used […]

Averting Antimicrobial Anarchy: The War on Antibiotic Resistance has Begun

Rihana MillerSep 23, 20164 min read
On September 2, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release on the safety and effectiveness of antibacterial soaps, calling for the removal of 19 active ingredients, including the much used triclosan and triclocarban, from over-the-counter antibacterial hand and body washes, determining that the risks of using […]

“Other Than Honorable” Health Care

Lorraine ApolisSep 22, 20164 min read
United States Marine Corps veteran Carri Leigh Goodwin reported that she was raped twice while on active duty with the Marine Corps in 2007. No one was prosecuted. Shortly thereafter, Goodwin received an “other than honorable discharge.” In 2009, Goodwin died of acute alcohol poisoning. Last August, the New York […]

Keeping Our Elderly in Their Homes

Hayley CronquistSep 15, 20163 min read
The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, otherwise known as PACE, has a goal to keep America’s elderly living long and happy lives in the comfort of their own homes. To keep people out of costly nursing homes, PACE provides individualized care and services in the home, the community, […]