California’s New Regulation to Reduce Work Place Violence in Health Care

Alexis RoseNov 14, 20163 min read
During the last week of October, the State of California’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) approved regulations to protect health care workers from workplace violence.  These regulations are being heralded by many in the healthcare community, as setting a standard and were passed unanimously by Cal/OSHA. These regulations are […]

The New Tobacco Rule: Increasing Awareness and Decreasing the Dangers.

Setareh MobarakiNov 11, 20163 min read
Many people already know that tobacco products such as cigarettes are injurious to their health, which is why they falsely believe that electronic cigarettes and cigars are a healthier substitute. In an effort to curtail this misconception, FDA has issued a new regulation on tobacco. The FDA has been regulating […]

Election 2016: High Stakes & High Premiums

Ebunola AniyikaiyeOct 29, 20163 min read
Open enrollment for the Federal Exchanges is right around the corner and soon many Americans will be heading to the Exchanges for affordable healthcare options.  In an effort to increase access to care, the Exchanges provide subsidies for those unable to cover the full cost of premiums based on their […]

Key Healthcare Issues and the 2016 Election

Jessica WinslowOct 28, 20166 min read
The 2016 Presidential election is only a few weeks away. While healthcare has not been central to the Presidential campaign, the election’s outcome will be a major determining factor in the country’s future healthcare policy. The outcome of the 2016 election is likely to influence several key healthcare issues, including […]

From Quantity to Quality: CMS MACRA Rule

Alexis RoseOct 28, 20163 min read
On October 14, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rule for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). MACRA marks a comprehensive shift from a fee-for-service based payment system to a value-based payment system for Medicare programs. CMS states in its rule […]