Reducing Prescription Drug Prices

Ebunola AniyikaiyeFeb 26, 20175 min read
President Trump has publicly announced that pharmaceutical companies “are getting away with murder” with their drug price offerings. Prominent examples include, Mylan’s six fold price increase for EpiPens, Daraprim’s overnight increase from $13.50 a tablet to $750,  and Marathon Pharmaceuticals announcement that charging $89,000 a year for a drug that’s […]

Veteran Urgent Access to Mental Healthcare Act

Lorraine ApolisFeb 26, 20173 min read
On February 7, 2017, bipartisan members of the House of Representatives introduced the Veteran Urgent Access to Mental Healthcare Act to Congress. The current veterans’ bill under U.S. Code Title 38 only provides health care access to combat veterans who were discharged with an honorable status. The proposed bill purports […]

The Technology That Can Edit Genes

Setareh MobarakiFeb 24, 20173 min read
As biotechnology continues to advance, policies must catch up in order to properly regulate the safety and efficiency of technology. One of the popular and controversial advances in the scientific community is genome editing, which occurs when DNA is inserted, deleted or replaced in the genome of a living organism. […]

What Can We Expect from a Trump Presidency?

Ebunola AniyikaiyeNov 28, 20164 min read
A week after the presidential election, many Americans are wondering what a Trump presidency means for them.  More specifically, what does it mean for their health insurance? Three days after the election, more than 300,000 people have selected plans from the Exchanges.  The Exchange is the online marketplace where consumers […]

The VA Proposes a New Rule to Combat Wait Times-Will it Help?

Jessica WinslowNov 25, 20164 min read
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has an infamous reputation for providing poor service to U.S. Veterans. Stories of veterans failing to receive adequate care for serious illnesses, or even dying while waiting for care, are ubiquitous. The situation erupted in 2014 when whistleblowers revealed that records of deceased […]