What About The Children?: Saving the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP)

Rihana MillerNov 13, 20174 min read
On November 3, 2017, in a vote cast primarily along party lines, the United States House of Representatives passed a five-year extension of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP). The vote on November 3 is Congress’ most substantial move toward reauthorization of the Program since its expiration on September 30. Although […]

Derma Fraud with a Side of Greed

Samantha SchramOct 25, 20174 min read
South Florida represents a hotbed of health care fraud and abuse and is often referenced as “ground zero” for Medicare fraud. Indeed, South Florida has garnered national attention for the pervasiveness of health care fraud schemes. Recently, the largest ever health care fraud enforcement action by the Medicare Fraud Strike […]

Understanding Escobar: Gilead to petition SCOTUS to address circuit split

Rihana MillerOct 17, 20174 min read
On October 3, Gilead Sciences, Inc. filed a motion to stay a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision pending the filing of Gilead’s petition for a writ of certiorari with the United States Supreme Court. In a unanimous decision announced on July 7, the Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded a trial court’s dismissal of […]

The Costly Treatment for HCV

Setareh MobarakiMay 1, 20173 min read
FDA has now approved Hepatitis C (HCV) drugs for children ages 12 to 17, which speed recovery and treatment. HCV is a blood-borne infection, causing inflammation to the liver, which can lead to liver failure, cancer and ultimately death. While HCV is attributed to sharing needles, which results in transferring contaminated […]

Planning Trumped: Prepare for Parenthood

Hayley CronquistApr 29, 20173 min read
In October 2016 before leaving office, former President Barrack Obama issued a final rule to bar states from withholding federal family-planning funds from Planned Parenthood affiliates and other health clinics that provide abortions. The measure took effect two days before the inauguration of current President Donald Trump, and required that […]