A severe mental illness can be a death
sentence, but not for the reasons you might think. Individuals living in the
United States with untreated mental illness are 16 times more likely to be
killed during a police encounter than any other civilian approached or stopped
by law enforcement. The reality is,
police officers are often the “first responders” to individuals with severe
mental illness–answering calls about “disturbances”, suicidal ideation, or
crimes committed– but are ill-prepared for dealing with these complex psychiatric cases.
According to the Treatment Advocacy
Reports, 1 in 5 inmates in America have a serious mental illness; even more
have diagnosable mental illness. First
responders (including police) are reluctantly taking over the role many believe
that should involve psychiatrists or other mental health professionals. The
justice system in turn is tasked with solving the social problems that occur as
a consequence of a severe mental illness. It is abundantly clear that prison is
not the answer for solving serious
mental health issues. Rather, reports compiled by organizations such as the WHO show that incarceration will only
exacerbate these problems. Still, law enforcement see few options apart from
arrest and/or incarceration when dealing with mentally ill individuals; when
they are tasked with balancing individual well-being against public safety.
The alternative to incarceration is
involuntary hospitalization. The misconception held by some mental health and
legal professionals is that involuntary hospitalization can be the best thing
for people with severe mental illness; and protects those with severe mental
illnesses from ending up in the justice system. However, there is
inconclusive evidence of the effectiveness of involuntary hospitalization.
Ironically, one of the reasons why there is an overrepresentation of persons
with serious mental illness in the justice system is because of deinstitutionalization. Following the arrival
of antipsychotics in the 1950s, the public view became that it was not
necessary to detain individuals with mental illness since treatment of psychiatric
symptoms was available. By the 1990s the number of psychiatric inpatients had
been reduced from 550,000 in 1950
to 30,000. Nonetheless, the issue became that individuals with serious mental
illness, who were disproportionately homeless or extremely low-income, could
not afford access to these new treatments. As a result, the number of
individuals with untreated serious mental illness within the prison population increased.
At the end of what seems to be a very
complex issue is a very simple solution. The medical profession has reached a
point where effective treatments are available for
individuals with mental illness. Medical facilities provide access to mental
health professionals beyond psychiatrists; facilities have social workers,
counsellors, psychologists, occupational therapists, even specialists with specific training to treat addiction.
The only remaining issue is funding. How can those who need access to mental
health services get that access when the cost is so high? Well, recent research
has shown that publicly funding psychiatric medication may save taxpayers money. A Desmarais study
recently found that people who receive less mental health services
unsurprisingly incurred higher criminal justice costs, which averaged $95,000 per person. In
comparison, the study showed that people who received more mental health
services had lower arrest rates bringing the criminal justice costs down to
$68,000 per person
The answer is to
provide better access to mental health services for people who need it the
most. Simply pushing mental health issues away has caused these issues to be
dealt with in inappropriate, and often detrimental, ways that are not only
unhelpful but economically burdensome to society. Our choice
does not need to be between involuntary and incarceration as the means to
combating serious mental illness.