Health Law & Policy Brief 2015-2016 Applications
The Health Law & Policy Brief (HLPB) is accepting applications for new members! We encourage 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs to apply.
The Health Law & Policy Brief covers a broad range of topics including: health care, food & drug, disability law, administrative law, and business law; both domestic and internationally. HLPB is entirely online. We publish long academic articles by students, professors, and practitioners. We plan to have two issues in the coming year – a Fall 2015 issue and a Spring 2016 issue. HLPB also has a blog component, which features short pieces on new and developing topics. The blog is located at and is updated every month.
We are primarily seeking multiple staff members to “spade” (edit) our academic articles. If selected as a staff member, you will receive training and advance notice before getting a spading assignment. You will be supervised by a more experienced Articles Editor. You will not receive more than one spading assignment per semester. We are also seeking one Marketing Director.
To apply, please email the HLPB Editor-in-Chief, Mohammad Mesbahi, at with the subject line “LAST NAME – HLPB Application.” Please briefly explain your interest in joining the HLPB, and if applicable, any interest or prior experience in health law, food and drug law, or disability law. Please also attach a current resume (GPA not required).
Application deadline: Friday, October 2, 2015 at 11:59am (noon). We look forward to receiving your application!
Applicants who are selected to become members of HLPB should try to attend the HLPB Spading and Blogging Training on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in WCL Room 526. Those who cannot attend would be expected to notify the HLPB Editor-in-Chief and will be allowed to meet at a later time with the HLPB Editor-in-Chief. Those attending this meeting should bring a laptop and their Bluebook.